About Me-The Fix it Lass 310-947-6131

safe, clean, reliable

About Me

Who is Cass the Fix-It Lass? 

When I tell people that I spent  years of unrewarding work in the corporate world and wasn't sure what to do next when my job was eliminated, of course, they ask: "What was that horrible job?"

But my path to becoming a handywoman isn't about that one last office job, although the ending of that particular job and when it happened is what lead me to seek  help deciding what to do next. 

When I visited  life coach,
Mary Lyn Miller, she had me express my interests and passions to her, because that is where our best work and personal happiness exist. 

It was from that information she made the bold suggestion I start my own handywoman business. It was completely out of the box thinking, totally unrelated to my work history and yet it made perfect sense! Everything that got me fired up involved DIY, home improvement and repairs, or gardening, and those interests were the perfect start for offerings to clients. 

Although I had never run my own business the variety of jobs I held over the years gave me experience to manage just about all aspects of it on my own. With so much of my previous work deeply rooted in customer service that has become the foundation of the success of The Fix-It Lass.


Specializing in small projects and ‘honey do’ lists, I am happy to encourage you to find your way around your tool box, to be your extra set of hands when you’re putting up those shelves, or assemble that new dresser for you. I also love helping customers with their gardening needs, from the basic flower pots to completely starting anew outdoors. I love getting my hands dirty and working outside.


I pride myself on treating my customers with respect and being completely honest with them. I am not afraid to say ‘I’m not sure how to do that but I’ll find out,’ or to advise them if they need to find another person who specializes in the skill set for a particular task. I would rather not do a job if I can't do it right!

So after many years of staring at the clock, and counting the minutes until I could leave, I’m now so proud to run my own business. My days zip by so quickly as I do work I enjoy for people I like to be around.  Safe, clean, and reliable, I am Cass,  The Fix It Lass, your neighborhood handywoman,  I look forward to the opportunity of showing you the experience of hiring someone who loves what they do, and does it from the heart.