Do it Herself workshops, nice!

Something cool Home Depot offers that I want to share with my customers, they have workshops geared specifically towards women. Sounds like a nice idea to me! 

Home Depot workshops for women

Maybe I'll ask them if they would ever invite a local handywoman to teach the class? That would be fun! 

The link above is for next week and is about eco friendly gardening in honor of Earth Day.

What would my customers like to see a workshop about? Plumbing? Painting? Carpentry?
I would love to hear some fees back on this if you have any suggestions. 

If Home Depot isn't interested in collaborating maybe I will host my own workshop, or provide tips here in the blog or my newsletter. 

Let me know what you think! 
Feedback appreciated!

 The Fix It Lass

Spring Cleaning

Has Spring (cleaning) Fever hit you yet? One of the many things I can help with!

I also offer services that go beyond sifting through and sorting all those items that get stuck in the garages, attics and storage units:

I can help you sell those items you are no longer needing! Someone else out there is looking for exactly the stuff you are tired of taking up space in your life. Let's give your old items new life!

There are also numerous charitable causes to whom we can donate your stuff and I am happy to help you find the organization that is most meaningful to you. 

Remember you can't just throw old electronics in the trash, let me take it to a certified recycling center for you.

Contact me for details!

Listing on Thumbtack

Hey! Have you heard of yet? Great site with local resources for all kinds of business. I am proud to announce my listing on the site and hope you will check out my testimonials as well as the many other businesses and services on the site.
Thanks! Happy April!">Garden>

Cass The Fix It Lass

Spring begins

Well, I got 2 new baby tomato plants in the ground Saturday before the torrential downpours here in Southern California Sunday. Hopefully they liked it and will thrive. I get my plants from the local farmers market usually and his plants just do amazingly well for me! Most people say you have to start over each year with new tomato plants, but my old ones from last year still look pretty good so I am going to see what they can do if I keep them around. They have new flowers and keep growing back whenever I trim dead parts from them so I am excited. 

It will be nice to uncover the patio furniture soon and start opening windows everyday to let in the fresh air and sunshine. 

With the time change I also changed all the batteries in my smoke detectors. Did you? Using the resetting of the clocks as a reminder is such a great and easy way to keep up with a small but important task! 

Spring cleaning time is here. Closets, garages, storage spaces. What do you do with all the stuff you decide isn't necessary anymore? 
Yard sale? Donate? Craigslist? Or do you just put it in the dumpster? 

One of the updates planned for The Fix It Lass website will be a page of links to organizations to donate old goods and resources for recycling and other related information. If you have any suggestions, comments or submissions please send them to


Here are pictures of the new babies. I will post photos of their progress so come back for updates!